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Newest Legacies:
Michael Yovino

Walter Hickey

Joseph Bottoni

Margaret Bottoni

Weldon Storey

Frank W. Buckles is proud to extend a 10% discount to AARP members as well as all veterans.







Here you can view all of our legacies.
Keep in mind that some legacies are private and not viewable by the public.

Eva Aldridge

Eva Aldridge

Joiend the English Armed Forces at 18 during World War II

Frank Buckles

Frank W. Buckles

Last Living American World War I Veteran

Joseph Bottoni

Joseph Bottoni

Served in the U.S. Army in the Pacific in World War II transporting troops

Margaret Bottoni

Margaret Bottoni

Was born during the Great Depression and grew up to see it end as well as see the U.S. be victorious in the Second World War


Alfred Capuzzo

Was born in New York and was a mechanic during World War II

William Carter William Carter - Currently In Production

Was in the Navy's Armed Gurad on a ship in Convoy PQ-17 during World War II

Salvatore DeStefano

Salvatore DeStefano

Worked in a triage unit in Hawaii during World War II

Walter Hickey Walter Hickey

Joined the Army as a young man and served in the Pacific as a machine gunner in World War II
Johnny Jacobs Johnny Jacobs - Currently In Production

Signed up for the armed forces and served his country in Vietnam just after finishing high school

Weldon Storey

Weldon Storey

Was member of the 10th Mountain Division during World War II

Michael Yovino

Michael Yovino

Spent 17 months in the Pacific fighting the Japanese aboard the USS Vincennes in World War II




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